Thursday, January 10, 2013

How to connect one printer to two home computers one with win 7and one with win xp?

Q. My printer is a Lexmark 2500 (win 7) and I am on a home group network, the other PC (win XP) is also on a home group network. My printer is in a separate room from the other computer.

A. This should be done from the win XP side...

1) Go to start
2) Click Printer and Faxes
3) Click add printer (to open the add printer wizard)
4) Click Next
5) Choose the 2nd option (network printer); click Next
6) Here you can choose 1st option to browse the printer yourself, then click Next OR Choose 2nd option to enter the name of the printer + IP address of the host, then click Next
7) Choose whether you want to set the printer as the default printer for the PC, then click Next
8) Click Finish.

Good luck.

What is the cheapest cpu and motherboard capable of running win xp?
Q. I want to find a small form factor pc(micro or pico) capable of running win xp. I can find mini pcs running win ce but my applications have to run on win xp.

A. Micro.

Now as far as complete units...

$209 turn key! Promo Code Discount (EMC1025MMBX01): -$30.00

Others to check out..|c:2627|&Sort=3&Recs=10

If you are going to purchase hardware online, it would be wise to check the ratings here.

Good luck in your quest.

How do I access a hard drive on a mac os X from a pc running win xp pro? The computers are on the same subnet?
Q. How do I access a hard drive on a mac os X from a pc running win xp pro. I can hit the mac with it's IP and get to the users directory but can not hit any other drives. Thanks in advance for you help.

A. From Apple's website:

Summary of File Sharing:

Mac OS X 10.0 and later allow you to share the contents of your Public folder.
Others can also copy files to your Drop Box folder located in your Public folder.
You set up File Sharing using the Sharing and Network panes of the System Preferences application.
You can further define your Sharing privileges using the Info window.
Mac OS X offers services that allow you to both share with and connect to other operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows.

Can I install win XP on a different Partition and keep the old OS I am running win 7 now?
Q. I want to install win xp and keep my current OS also. I have tried to install on a different HDD but after
the win xp installation loads the necessary files for installation it will attempt to restart the PC, but the computer wil not boot. I had to use a win 7 restore disk in order to boot up with the original OS.
What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help me?

A. xp needs to be installed first, then win7, due to the xp bootloader (ntldr) not being compatible with win 7

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