Thursday, January 10, 2013

Will My windows XP startup disk erase any of the data on my computer?

Q. Ok, so my computer won't start unless I put it into safe mode. It just gets to the loading screen with the moving bar, and doesn't move past that. I want to try to use my Windows XP startup disk to fix it, but I need to know if it will erase any of my data.

A. Depends on the choices you make when using the disk.
If you choose to repair, no it wont, if you choose to install then yes it will.
Put in the CD
at the first option Press R to Repair Windows
choose the correct drive to fix (usually 1)
enter your password (if you don't use one press Enter)
type chkdsk /r and press Enter
allow it to run (may be several hours)
when finished type exit and press Enter
hopefully it will boot properly

Why is my sound different in windows XP after reinstall?
Q. I reinstalled windows XP to fix a problem and now my sound in WMP is different and in my opinion worse... I got what i think is the latest drivers for my soundcard and its still the same?

Also by the clock at the bottom right the little speaker, when i click on it to reveal all the settings, theres only like 4 or 5 different volume controls... there used to be about 12.

A. Try this:
Right click âmy computerâ
Select âpropertiesâ
Click âhardwareâ tab, select âdevice managerâ
Expand âsound Video and Game controllersâ. Your sound card should be listed.
If you see it and it has a ? or yellow ! mark, then the drivers are not installed. Simply grab you drivers disk and install them.
If you see a red circle with a line going through it, this means its disabled.
Right click on the item and click enable.
also when you click on speaker net to clock make sure you on playback not record. Record is only if you use headphone/ mic configuration.

How do you restore the default visual settings on a windows xp computer?
Q. My windows xp home computer recently had odd visual settings that i tried to fix. Instead of fixing the problem, i think i made it worse. Now it only shows the middle of my desktop background, now mouse cursor. Ctrl+Alt+Delete doesnt work i.e. nothing shows up. Im wondering is there some override or button or something that fixes that problem? Surely they thought of that when making windows? The visual display settings cant be so important and have no way of fixing? Please help?

A. Click "Start" and then "My Computer."

Right-click "My Computer." A sub-menu will appear.

Click "Properties." The "System Properties" dialog box will appear.

Click the "Advanced" tab and then click "Performance."

Click "Settings" under the "Performance" heading.

Click on the "Visual Effects" tab. Scroll to the bottom of the list of settings.

Click the check box by "Use visual styles on Windows and buttons."

Click "Apply," "Apply" and then "OK."

Your Windows XP visuals are now restored to the default settings.

Where can I find a free program to fix my Windows XP registry?
Q. I'm looking for a freeware program to scan and fix my Windows XP registry. I've downloaded 2 programs that looked free, but both scanned my system and asked me to pay money to fix it. Is there a program that will do this that is freeware? If so, where can I get it?

A. Use ccleaner - it cleans registry and other stuff. It is 100% free.

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